
Fortnite Season 3 Map Updates and Story Secrets – Week 1

Fortnite Season 3 Map Updates and Story Secrets – Week 1

“Chapter 3 Season 3 week 1! The summer is here! #codeADAMARU #epicpartner #FortniteSecrets Adam’s Twitter – Discord link – Name in video… It’s simple!” Watch the Slot Lady test their mettle on the slots, blackjack and poker. It can feel like you are sitting there with them as they experience the ups and downs of…

Playing New Vegas in Fallout 4 – Project Mojave

Playing New Vegas in Fallout 4 – Project Mojave

“Want to try it yourself? Project Mojave – TheFriedturkey – HcGxGrill – C411um13 – MrColonelMustard PC: Join the Dak Community Discord! Patreon if you’d” Watch the Slot Lady and her cohorts play the slots, blackjack and poker. You practically feel as if you are standing right along side them as they experience the highs and…